The Hottest Trends In Real Estate Today

Over the last few months I’ve had several investors come to me and ask me what’s hot in the market right now. Instead of answering each of you one at a time, I thought it’d be more beneficial to everyone if I answered it in the form of a blog article. In this article, I’m going to give you the low down on what you should be investing in and the KEY components investors in today’s economy need to be successful.

I’ve been investing in real estate since the mid 1990’s. That’s a long time. I’ve seen the market changes as they’ve happened. I’ve ridden both ideas of waves and I’ve been able to constantly adjust to stay on top. Sadly, over the years I’ve seen far too many investors fall off because they were unable to adjust.

Over the course of my investing career I’ve also helped thousands of folks make good money investing in real estate. I focus on training my students how to visualize the cycles and take full advantage of them before their competition catches on.

Right now, one of the HOTTEST areas of investment opportunity lies in foreclosure properties. Yes the market took a quick spiral downward, but that downward spiral also creates opportunity and resulted in a flood of foreclosures that we can take advantage of as investors.

Don’t think of investing in foreclosures as profiting from someone’s loss. It’s not that at all. As a matter of fact, I know several investors that have saved homeowners from foreclosure. We are profiting off the banks, which had a strong hand in causing the very damage to the market. As investors we invest in foreclosures, not homeowners.

The abundance of foreclosures right now means that banks want to get rid of these houses and they’re selling them at huge discounts. Home prices are back to the level they were at in the 90’s in most markets, too. That means we can buy from the banks at a huge discount, sell low to an end buyer, which makes it a good deal for him too, and still make big profits.

This is what my students and I are doing right now in today’s economy, and the good news is you can do it too! If you want more information on this process and how it works, I have a webinar training available that reviews all of the steps and strategies you will need in order to invest in foreclosures.

Click here to get access my online training.

Before you go, let’s talk about the key components you need to successfully invest in foreclosures. The FIRST thing you need to make offers on bank owned properties are proof of funds. Banks don’t want to spend time on someone that doesn’t have verifiable proof that they have the funding to purchase the property from them. And unfortunately, if you don’t have that proof, you won’t even be considered.

That’s where Proof of Funds letters become a necessity. Because I know the importance of verifiable proof of funds, I actually provide proof of funds letters to my students. I back every single letter 100% too. If needed, I’ll even send the seller or seller’s agent a bank statement.

The next thing you need is funding. Verifiable funding. I also offer that, and I offer the lowest rates in the industry. As a matter of fact, I don’t charge fees OR points on same or next day transactions. That’s how LOW my rates are!

On top of all of that, there are no applications, credit checks or income verification. You can be successful as a real estate investor even if you have bed credit. That’s not important to me. I want to fund your deals and help you make those big paychecks.

In that training I mentioned above, I go over in-depth the details on how you can get unlimited proof of funds and funding for your deals.

Click here to find out how you can get unlimited proof of funds and funding now!

Thanks again for stopping in! I look forward to funding your deals and hearing all about your success.

Your Secret Real Estate Weapon: Transactional Funding

Transactional funding has been used by real estate investors to do what is known as a ‘simultaneous closing’ for years. Investors that did these types of deals were referred to as the middleman in the transaction. They would find a good deal, flip it at an increased price to an end buyer and keep the profit. The reason why transactional funding became so popular was because there is less risk, no credit requirements, no income verifications and the cost to use this type of funding is typically very low.

This type of funding is used traditionally to flip or wholesale a property. To put it simply, you wholesaling is when you purchase a property below market value and resell it in a short period of time at a higher price. There are two separate transactions that occur in a wholesale deal. First there is a transaction between the bank or private seller and the investor, aka the middleman. This transaction is known as the A to B transaction where the bank or private seller is A and the investor is B. Then there is a second transaction between the investor and the end buyer. This transaction is known as B to C where the investor is B and the end buyer is C. It can get a little confusing, but each transaction needs to be treated separately.

The A to B transaction is where the transactional funding is used. That’s where we come into play. You could search online and easily find transactional funding sources, however all of them have one thing in common, they charge a fee, sometimes very large, to use their money.

We are unique in the fact that we do not charge ANY fees or points on same or next day transactions. Not only that, but we are not borrowing from any third party or outside source’s funding. The money we use to fund deals for our students is our money. That means we don’t pay any of the fees that other companies do. There are no document fees, processing fees, admin fees, or ‘just because we feel like charging you a little more’ fees.

Now, we do have a maximum amount you’re allowed to borrow. That magic number is $600,000. That doesn’t mean you can’t use our funding and then another source to fund the rest if needed. There is no minimum amount though. In most cases, we have a 24-48 hour turnaround time too, so when you need the money you have it. We don’t require that you use our Title Company, attorney, or escrow agent. You can use your own if you would like or use one of ours.

Now, we know that not every deal is going to close on the same or next day. We will lend for up to 30 days, but we have to charge fees for any deals we fund beyond the typical same or next day. The fees increase the longer the money is tied up in the deal, too. We will absolutely work with you to ensure everything is going to go smoothly so that we don’t run into any surprised or hiccups. We don’t want our money tied up and we don’t want to charge you any fees. The bigger your profit, the better! That means you’ll use our funding again and again, and that’s our goal.

I’m sure at this point you’re biting at the bit to learn more about transactional funding and how you can use our funding to start generating some hefty paychecks. Great! I just hosted a webinar training that goes through everything you need to jump-start your real estate business and access our funding.

Click here to watch the video training now!

The Key To Finding Funding For Your Real Estate Deals

As a real estate investor it is important to recognize the many funding options that are available to you. You will need several different types of funding over time. In this article I want to discuss different funding options that could be used and when to use them.

Here are some of the more popular funding options in today’s market:

  • Your own cash (and very few people have that kind of cash laying around)
  • Banks (not a great option unless you want to be tortured and told they aren’t lending and don’t care how bad you need the money)
  • Transactional funding (this is the type of funding we offer at
  • Hard money (there’s a reason this funding is called ‘hard’ money because you have to have perfect credit or you’ll need 10-20% to put into the deal yourself)
  • Taking over the seller’s mortgage (only possible if there is equity and they’ll let you do it)
  • Private lenders (regular folks looking for a safe way to invest their money)

Let me break these down even further for you because the type of funding you end up using depends entirely on the type of deal you are doing.

  • Your own cash – Using your own cash is obviously the easiest solution since there would be no middlemen or third party companies to deal with. You do not want your own liquidity to be tied up in a deal though, so you should only use it only when you plan on refinancing or reselling right away.
  • Banks – Banks are a very secure form of funding. You know that they have money and lend actively. Unfortunately, there is a lot of hassle involved. You wouldn’t want to use a bank to fund flips or short-term deals. The hassle and torture that comes with dealing with a bank, regardless if you get them to fund your deals or not, is not worth it for short-term deals.
  • Transactional Funding – This is the type of funding we offer here at and it is DIRT cheap. Transactional funding is used when wholesaling a property. If you’re not already aware, we have funded hundreds and hundreds of deals and helped our students make BIG paychecks. We charge no fees when we fund same or next day deals either. This creates a higher profit for our students and completely bypasses the Dodd-Frank Act that’s been taunting the real estate market.
  • Hard Money – Hard money is also another secure and safe source of funding. Hard money lenders lend frequently and are very active. They have experience doing deals with investors like ourselves so there are fewer hiccups on their end. This type of funding should only be used when you are rehabbing a property though. It’s a very expensive source of funding and not worth it for short-term deals. In today’s market you MUST have exceptional credit in order to avoid having to put a large amount of your own cash into the deal. You’re using funding to avoid tying up your own cash, right? If that’s the case, hard money probably isn’t your best option.
  • Taking Over a Seller’s Mortgage – This is also known as “subject to” and works when you are looking to flip the property to an end buyer or hold the property. The seller must have equity and be willing to walk away from that equity and their mortgage and let you take it over.
  • Private Lenders – These lenders are versatile, reasonable, willing to negotiate, and in most cases are not concerned with your credit score. Private money is typically used for rehabbing, but most lenders are willing to make the investment if they are guaranteed a good return. Now that you know the most popular sources of funding for real estate investors today, you should have a better idea on the types of funding you’ll need for your different deals.

If you’re here at, you’re likely looking for a way to fund your wholesale deals. If that’s the case, you’re definitely in the right place. There is no one else out there that offers the type of funding we have available for this cheap. We do not require a credit check, there is no qualifying, and we do not charge any fees on same or next day transactions.

For more information on our funding program or to get access our funding, click here today!

I look forward to funding your next deal!

Cameron Dunlap

Click here to watch the video training now!